Peer Review

The manuscripts must be edited according to the journal’s standards and directions.
The article itself (title, abstract, text, figures, tables, references, etc.) must be sent in one whole document (Word Microsoft Office format) at the following e-mail address:, before the dead-line.

Peer review form(download)

If any of the editors feel that there is likely to be a perception of a conflict of interests in relation to their handling of a submission, they will declare it to the other editors. Standard policy in such a case will be for one of the other editors to handle the submission but the editors may use their discretion.

The associate editor select the papers for each issue and makes a decision based on date of upload and the evaluation results.

Potential conflict of interests for reviewers - the invitation letter to reviewers is meeting the following requirements: in advance knowledge about the authors identity; warning notification about the potential conflict of interests in referring activity potentially generated by possible relationship with the author, friendship or conflict/rivalry or any other reason; avoidance of potential conflict of interests; double blind peer review evaluation of the scientific quality for received papers; severe measures in case of plagiarism or unclear authorship situation; a precise time period for reviewers for sending to the authors the suggestions and proposals to improve the quality of the paper.

The editorial office is promoting a permanent selection of high quality reviewers and only the best papers are published.

Peer review procedure is based on "double blind" method. The authors will be informed about recommendations for improving the paper and final decision after full evaluation.

The process of review is between 6-8 weeks per paper. After that, a continuing communication process take place for clarifying questions or revising the papers between the authors and the officer responsible with reviewing process on one side, and between the officer and reviewers on the other side. There are two reviewers on each paper and the review process is independent. If necessary, in case of opposite evaluation report, the third reviewer is included and the final decision is based on the negotiation process between them.

To be accepted, a manuscript must at least meet the first five criteria below.

  1. 1.  Scientific subject in accordance with that of the journal and the current trends in research.
  2. 2.  Original nature of the study.
  3. 3.  Meeting modern, global educational challenges.
  4. 4.  Should have methodological rigor and accuracy of data and interpretations.
  5. 5.  To comply with similarity indices and the technical criteria.
  6. 6.  Research innovativeness in relationships with advanced modern and challenging knowledge.

Executive editor peer review: observing conformity with similarity indices,with general topics and template.

Double-blind peer review: Reviewers are unaware of the identity of the authors, and authors are also unaware of the identity of reviewers. There are at least two or more reviewers for the total number of articles in each issue. If is necessary for interdisciplinary papers the third reviewer is nominated for better scientific approach in valuing the novelty and/or originality of the paper. The reviewers are independent of the authors,not affiliated with the same institution.

The Executive Editor certifies the similarity and tehnical criteria. Only the papers that respect those recommendation will be sent to peer-review.